Lost,Stolen or Damaged Passport

Your passport is a valuable document bearing evidence of your identity so please take care of it at all times.

In the event that a passport is lost or stolen, this must be immediately reported to the police and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or its nearest diplomatic/consular mission. Your passport shall be cancelled and international border control authorities notified. A copy of the Police report must accompany the application form for a new passport.

In the event that a passport may be accidentally damaged or destroyed, then this too must be immediately reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or nearest diplomatic/consular mission. You may also be required to submit addition information or documents to validate the report. A new passport will need to be applied for since you may encounter difficulties when traveling with a damaged passport.

Damage resulting out of a deliberate attempt to alter or tamper a passport is a serious offense which is liable for prosecution in a court of law.

If a passport is lost, stolen or damaged/destroyed you will be required to pay a fine of Nu. 5,000/- the first time in addition to the prescribed fee for a new passport.

If you recover your lost/stolen passport after a new one has bee issued this should be immediately returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or its nearest diplomatic/consular mission. Failure to do so is an offense punishable by a fine.