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Intersections of Culture, Climate, and Science: Innovations from Bhutanese research in Australia

The University of Sydney, in partnership with the Royal Bhutanese Embassy, Canberra, organised a two-day conference on December 4 & 5, to showcase the ground-breaking research being undertaken by Bhutanese scholars in Australia and local scholars on Bhutan. The conference was jointly presented by Deputy Vice Chancellor and Provost, Professor Annamarie Jagose, and His Excellency, Ambassador Sonam Tobgay. Dasho Karma Ura, President of the Centre for Bhutan and GNH Studies, delivered the keynote address.
Conference participants pose for a picture.

Day One, curated by the Faculty of Engineering, ventured into the domains of Climate, Science, and Engineering, including Environment and Bio-technology. It was a day of dynamic exploration of technological progress and environmental concerns, fostering dialogue and connections across academia, industry, and the wider community.

​Day Two, steered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, immersed participants in the vast realm of culture, delving into linguistics, media, Buddhist Studies, and beyond, fostering a rich dialogue that connects Bhutan’s collective heritage to the broader community’s interests and experiences. The second edition of the conference will be held in Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia, in 2024.

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