Department of Bilateral Affairs

 Department’s mandate

  • To develop, maintain and enhance bilateral relations.
  • To promote economic and social development of Bhutan through bilateral cooperation.
  • To negotiate, conclude and pursue the implementation of bilateral agreements in various areas in keeping with national interest and priorities.
  • To pursue the establishment of diplomatic relations with States as a means of enhancing cooperation and to create opportunities for collaboration in areas of priority for Bhutan.
  • To provide political oversight and support to government ministries and agencies pertaining to bilateral engagement and cooperation.

Divisions and their mandates

The Department consists of three Divisions: Asia and the Pacific Division (APD), Europe, Americas and Africa Division (EAAD), and South Asia and the Middle East (SAME) Division. The three Divisions under the Department are responsible for promoting and strengthening bilateral relations between Bhutan and countries within the geographic zones and sub-regions assigned to each Division. Each division consists of several desks which work closely with all domestic and foreign counterparts to manage bilateral relations for respective countries under their purview. 

The key responsibilities of the Desks are as follows:

  1. Provide political oversight on matters pertaining to bilateral engagement with countries in their region;
  2. Coordinate bilateral engagement with key domestic partners to suit the needs and priorities of Bhutan and the partner countries;
  3. Ensure a coordinated approach to our positions pertaining to friendly countries in the assigned region.

South Asia and the Middle East Division
South Asia & the Middle East Division (SAME) oversees all matters related to SAARC member countries and the Middle East. The Chief of SAME supervises three Desks: India, Middle East and South Asia Desks. These Desks are currently manned by the following officers:

Name and Designation Responsibilities  Contact details
Ms. Pema Tshomo,
Director bd @
Ms. Pem Sedon Thinley,
Offtg. Chief, SAMED
Mr. Sonam Tobgay,
Desk Officer
Ms. Mindu Zam,
Asst. Desk Officer 
South Asia and Middle East
Mr. Sonam Tobgay,            Asst. Desk Officer
South Asia and Middle East

Asia and the Pacific Division
Asia and the Pacific Division oversees all countries within the region, particularly China, Japan, South Korea, and the ASEAN bloc. The Chief of APD supervises the work of three Desks: China, Australia and the Pacific Island Desk (APD Desk); the South East Asian Desk (ASEAN) and Japan, South Korea and Central Asian Desk (East Asia Desk). These Desks are currently manned by the following officials:

Name and Designation Responsibilities  Contact details
Ms. Mendha Wangmo,
Asst. Desk Officer 
APD Desk



Mr. Lhapchu Karma Wangchuk,
Asst. Desk Officer 
 South East Asia and East Asia Desk 
Mr. Kinley Dorji
Asst. Desk Officer 

Europe, Americas and Africa Division
EAAD is responsible for promoting and strengthening Bhutan’s relations and engagements with countries in Africa, Americas and Europe. The Division covers more than 113 countries in these regions. The Chief of EAAD supervises three Desks. The Desks are manned by the following officers:

Name and Designation Responsibilities  Contact details
Mr. Dorji Khandu
 Offtg. Chief, EAAD
Europe Desk (I)


Ms. Karma Dema,
Asst. Desk Officer
Europe Desk(II)
Mr. Dechen Ugyen ,
Asst. Desk Officer

Support staff

Name Responsibilities  Contact details
Mr. Nima Tshering  Personal Assistant to Director

Ms. Tendri Wangmo Office Assistant