Department of Economic and Tech Diplomacy


  • To promote economic and trade interests.
  • To develop policy positions that reflect Bhutan’s trade interest.
  • To monitor and act on developments in bilateral, regional and multilateral trading system.
  • To disseminate trade information and advance the interest and access of Bhutanese companies and customers to global markets.
  • To promote cooperation in science and technology.
  • To explore innovative financing mechanisms for development activities.
  • To explore skill development opportunities.


The Department consists of two Divisions -Tech Diplomacy Division and Economic Diplomacy Division.

Tech Diplomacy Division

The Division’s mandates will be uploaded soon.

Following officials work in the Division. 

Name Responsibilities Contact Details
Mr. Jigme Tenzin  Dy. Chief of Division
Ms. Pema Tshomo Asst. Desk Officer

Economic Diplomacy  Division

The Division’s mandates will be uploaded soon.

Details of officials working in the Division are given below. 

Name Responsibilities Contact Details
Ms. Tshering Lhadn Director of the Department
Ms. Dechen Wangmo Chief of Division
Mr. Kinga Singye Sr. Desk Officer

Support staff

Name and Designation Responsibilities Contact details
Mr. Nima Dorji Sr. Personal Assistant IV