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Dedicated Civil Service Awards 2018

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized the award ceremony for ‘Dedicated Civil Service Awards 2018’ at the Minister’s Conference Hall on 12th December 2018. The award was conferred to the recipients in keeping with the Royal Command issued by the Royal Civil Service Commission and as per the Chapter 22 of Bhutan Civil Service Rules and Regulations 2012 for their dedicated service to the Tsa-Wa-Sum 

Hon’ble Foreign Minister (Dr.) Tandi Dorji congratulated the award recipients and reminded that everyone must rededicate their commitment and loyalty to the Tsa-Wa-Sum and work with full dedication and integrity.

The recipients from the Ministry’s are:

10 Years & above

  1. Sonam Choden Namgye,l Department of Multilateral Affairs
  2. Kalden Dorji, Department of Multilateral Affairs
  3. Sangay Penjor, Directorate of Services
  4. Lhamo Dorji, Department of Protocol
  5. Tshering Lhamo, Department of Protocol
  6. Kencho Dema, Department of Protocol
  7. Changala, Directorate of Services
  8. Karma Tenzin, Directorate of Services
  9. Karma Tenzin, Directorate of Services
  10. Lungten Tshering, Directorate of Services
  11. Tandin Tshewang, Directorate of Services
  12. Tshering Dorji, Directorate of Services
  13. Ugyen Wangchuk, Directorate of Services

20 Years & above

  1. Pema Wangyel, Department of Protocol
  2. Karma Choeda, Department of Bilateral Affairs
  3. Tenzin Jamtsho, Directorate of Services
  4. Tashi Tshering, Directorate of Services
  5. Kunzang Choden, Department of Multilateral Affairs

30 Years & above

  1. Karma Wangdi, Internal Audit Division

Lifetime Service Award

  1. Yeshey Dorji, Directorate of Services

On this happy occasion, the entire family of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to congratulate all the medal recipients and pay tribute to His Majesty the King for his love and compassion and also to re-dedicate to the service of Tsa-wa-sum.

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