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The Nairobi Summit on the International Conference on Population and Development which was held from 12th to 14th November 2019 ended with a clear path forward to transform the world for women and girls. The Summit deliberated and sought commitments on the achievement of three transformative results of zero maternal deaths, zero unmet needs for family planning and zero gender based violence and harmful practices.

During the Summit, Her Majesty Gyalyum Sangay Choden Wangchuck delivered a statement at the high-level session on Women Leaders Dialogue which focused on the achievements and challenges related to the promotion of the rights of women and girls in Bhutan including those related to sexual and reproductive health. Other notable speakers at the high-level session were HRH Princesses Angelika of Tonga, H.E. Margarat Kenyatta, First Lady of the Republic of Kenya and the First Ladies of Rwanda and Belize.

A highlight of the Summit was the recognition of UNPFA Global Champions. Her Majesty along with the Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund awarded prizes to ten UNFPA global champions.

The Summit was attended by more than 9000 delegates including Royalties, Heads of States and Governments.

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