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Press Release


An informal get together among former Ambassadors & Senior Diplomats, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was organized by the Ministry earlier today.

The event was the first of its kind aimed at promoting interaction between former diplomats and serving Foreign Service Officers. The retired Ambassadors and Senior Diplomats have a wealth of experience and knowledge, with some of them having joined the Ministry from the day it was established nearly six decades ago. The Informal Forum of Former Ambassadors and Senior Diplomats has been conceptualized to provide a platform for our serving Foreign Service Officers, especially the young officers, to benefit from the knowledge and experience of former diplomats. It is also expected be a platform to facilitate informal discussions on foreign policy issues facing Bhutan.

The event was attended by 14 former Ambassadors and Senior Diplomats, and more than 30 Officials from the Ministry.

The Ministry will continue to pursue effective engagement with our former diplomats in a manner that strengthens our Foreign Service fraternity .


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