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Press Release

Entry into Force of the BIMSTEC Charter

The BIMSTEC Charter shall enter into force on 20 May 2024 with all BIMSTEC Member States having completed the ratification process. The BIMSTEC Charter was adopted during the Fifth BIMSTEC Summit in 2022. Bhutan deposited the instrument of ratification on 2nd February 2024. 

The adoption of the BIMSTEC Charter underscores the Member States’ shared commitment to enhancing regional collaboration and addressing common challenges. The Charter establishes a robust framework for fostering cooperation in key sectors such as trade, investment, technology, energy, transport, tourism, and environmental sustainability.  It also enables BIMSTEC to establish developmental partnerships with other interested countries, UN organizations, and international and regional organizations. Furthermore, it opens the door of BIMSTEC for the admission of observers and new members.

BIMSTEC is a regional organization comprising seven Member States (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand). Established in 1997, BIMSTEC aims to foster regional cooperation and promote socio-economic development through collaborative efforts in various sectors.

Bhutan’s membership and participation in BIMSTEC has served to further enhance Bhutan’s international stature and standing as a sovereign country that is committed towards engaging in mutually beneficial regional cooperative arrangements with other like minded countries. 


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